Updates on Building Maintenance Projects and Special Donations
At our December meeting, the Board prioritized needed building repairs and upgrades. We have gratefully received a number of generous extra donations to help with our efforts. Thank you to Pat Edmonds (in memory of George Edmonds), Karen and Gary Martin, Barbara Call, Kathy Stevens, Keith Connors, and a donor who wished to remain anonymous. One donation is to pay half the cost of new signage; we are seeking a donor or donors to match the $600 gift.
At the end of December, a renovation grant proposal for renovation of the two remaining unrestored windows in the sanctuary was submitted to the Methuen Festival of Trees. Many thanks to John Lennhoff and Marilyn Favreau for writing the grant, and to Kim Adami and Debb and Bill Putnam for organizing an estimate and photos to support the application.
In December, the Board accepted with gratitude a donation to pay for an engineer to develop a plan for making the sanctuary as energy efficient as possible.
Seeking General Assembly Delegates Early this Year
The Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly will be held June 21-25 in Pittsburgh, PA. The North Parish is entitled to seven delegates, who may attend either virtually (at no cost) or in person. This year’s business includes the election of a new UUA president. It also includes consideration of a proposed revision of Article II of the UUA by-laws, the article which currently contains the statement of UU principles and sources. We have been asked to choose delegates as soon as possible so that they may participate in webinars and conversations about the bylaws revision and the presidential election throughout the spring. To find out more about General Assembly, visit UUA.org/ga. If you are interested in serving as a delegate, please email boardoftrustees@northparish.org.
Special Parish Meeting with Financial Information Session following
On January 22 (snow date January 29) there will be a brief parish meeting in the parish hall following service for the purpose of electing new members of the Endowment Committee. The brief meeting will only be held in person and needs a quorum of 44 people. Following the brief meeting, members and friends will be invited to take part either in person or on line in an important financial information meeting. There will be child care available in the nursery for the littlest ones. Older children will be able to do quiet activities in the parlor. The meeting warrant, which was sent by email to members, is also available here.