Publicize Request

Use this form to submit a request to PUBLICIZE a News or Event story on our website or in the eNews. If you have multiple items to be publicized or listed, submit a separate form for each one. Use the SPACE REQUEST form to reserve our building and grounds space for your event or meeting. The form is found under the News & Calendar menu and on the How Do I? page. If you wish to reserve a North Parish Zoom link, please contact the church office.

  • Have you reserved your space on our calendar?

    If your event uses physical or virtual space at North Parish, please submit and confirm that the space is available before you submit your News or Event story.
  • Where will my News or Event story be publicized?

    We have several venues for news and event information. Brief ENEWS items appear in our weekly email publication, seen only by subscribers. Longer WEBSITE News and Event stories can be viewed by anyone who visits our website. Current AND previously published website items can be viewed using the "See All..." buttons on the Home Page or through the News & Events menu. ORDER OF SERVICE items will appear in the handout given to those who attend a Sunday service.
  • SELECT WHERE YOU'D LIKE YOUR NEWS TO APPEAR (you may choose multiple options): eNews items should be brief and include key details (what, when, where, and contact information). A Website News or Event post can be longer and provide general information about an activity, project, or upcoming event—especially if reservations or tickets are required. Both Website and eNews items are managed by our Membership Coordinator. PLEASE NOTE: Personal contact information (email addresses, phone numbers, etc.) will not be posted online or in the eNews. Instead, inquiries will be directed to the office. Order of Service items are included on a space-available basis. Our Congregational Administrator will pull information from eNews or Website News as needed.
  • Make it short and catchy.
  • eNews items should be brief, 2-3 sentences (what, when, where, contact info, etc.), can include a photo, and usually run for 2 weeks. PLEASE SUBMIT BY NOON ON WEDNESDAY! Submissions may be edited for content or length at the discretion of the office. For longer entries, please use the website item submission form.
  • WEBSITE News and Events items can be longer. It is OK to include links to other websites or pages; please be sure to copy the URL correctly. If there is an RSVP or registration required, enter that information here. You can also use this field to enter special instructions - for example, to indicate heading(s) that you wish to emphasize.
  • For website News & Event stories, please include a photo if possible. Landscape format is best. Submit only photos that you have taken or have permission to use. If no photo is provided, a default one may be used.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 128 MB.
    • Contact Information

    • If you are submitting the request on behalf of someone else, you may enter their name if they will be the contact for questions and followup.
    • This email will be used to contact you about your request submission.
    • Teams and committees are encouraged to use their North Parish team email address. For security reasons, personal email addresses will not be posted on the website or in the eNews.
    • If you need to make a correction

      If you have already submitted your request and need to make a change, email our Membership Coordinator directly -