Mission & Governance

At North Parish we believe in making room in our lives for practicing pluralism, democracy and deep listening

Our Mission

Our mission statement expresses who we hope to be. It guides choices in our programs, our activities, and the way we interact with each other and the world around us. Our current mission statement, developed through a series of conversations with leadership and members in 2014, states:

Empowered by love, we are an inclusive, free-thinking faith community that awakens curiosity, nourishes the spirit, encourages growth, and inspires compassionate action.

Our Governance Process

All Unitarian Universalist congregations are independent and self-governing. North Parish leadership includes paid staff, elected Board of Trustees and Officers, and many teams and committees who raise their voice to say, “I can help with that.”

Our elected Board of Trustees and our Minister share responsibility for developing general policies and procedures. Our staff, along with volunteer committees and teams, create and operate the day-to-day programs and activities. Our Congregation’s Role in Church Governance (shown below and available as a text document) provides a visual overview of the different pieces of our governance structure.


For more information