Visit our office
Mailing address: 190 Academy Rd, North Andover, MA 01845
Phone: 978-687-7948
The administration and staff office entrance is located on Great Pond Road. Use the last doorway on the right (closest to the lower yard).
Office hours: September through June, Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. Office visits from 8:00 am – Noon or by appointment. Please call before you drop by to ensure someone is available in the office. July and August, the office is open Tuesdays and Thursdays until noon and the Administrator will be available via email until 4 pm on those two days.
To confirm that someone will be available onsite to meet you, please call or email the office. Onsite hours for other staff are variable and flexible. Contact them by email (see list below) to make arrangements to meet.
Email our staff
Minister, Rev. Lee Bluemel
Family Religious Education, Susanne Hinson-Rieger
Music Director, John Middleton-Cox
Assistant Music Director, Christina Kennedy
Congregational Administrator, Stefanie Nolan
Communications/Membership, Mike Antczak
Child/Youth Coordinator & Rentals, Jessica Carter
Email governing groups
Email goes to the head of each group and will be distributed as needed.
Board of Trustees
Parish Council
Email teams and committees
Email goes to the head of each team or committee and will be distributed as needed.
Adult Faith Formation Caring Community Climate Justice Team Community Action Team Ferry Beach Team Fun & Fundraising Team Friends of the 1836 Meeting House Green Gardeners Team Building & Grounds Committee Men’s Group Personnel Committee Racial Justice Team Red Bow Fair Team Stewardship Committee Web Team