Youth Programs

RE/Youth Program Volunteers Needed!

We need you! North Parish runs cooperative programs to fulfill our mission of UU faith development for children and youth.  Parents and non-parents are part of this ministry in a variety of roles – in either a one-time or recurring commitment.

Signup to help with our
2024-2025 RE programs

If you have questions, please email Susanne, our Director of Faith Formation. Thank you!

When are programs held?

Many of our youth programs are held on Sundays, concurrent with the Worship service. We begin in the sanctuary with the congregation where youth engage in the service and are one with our church community. Following a brief “Time for Wonder” story sharing, the youth leave the sanctuary to attend their own programs. Some additional programs for junior and senior youth occur on Sunday afternoon or an evening.

Programs Available

Junior Youth Group (grades 6-8)

Building on from the Elementary program, Junior Youth Group (JYG) furthers the exploration of developing spirituality and peer bonding through discussion and activities, community service projects, events and field trips. From learning through curricula based on Arts and Activism, Neighboring Faiths as well as working as a team to take over the church each October for a Haunted House fundraiser, junior youth explore, discover and broaden their own personal and faith identities, practice compassionate leadership, social action skills and more.

Senior Youth Group (grades 9-12)

Our Senior Youth Group (SYG) focuses on nurturing the spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth of our high school youth, while developing leadership skills, building community and serving North Parish and the wider community.  Activities include helping with worship, games, overnight excursions, participating in social action and attending youth conference workshops.

Additional Programs

How you can help

Volunteers are the cornerstone of our Religious Education programs here at North Parish and there are many ways you can share yourself with our children. One of the best ways to get involved is to help teach a class session.

Use the Yellow button at the top of this page to sign up!

If you need more information, email our Director of Family Religious Education or call the church office to leave a message.