Service This Sunday
January 19th, 2025
10am – In the Sanctuary or via Zoom
Zoom link (Meeting ID: 824 0481 1225, Passcode: NP375)
Order of Service
Our January Outreach
This month’s outreach offering will support programming sponsored by the North Andover African American History Committee.
Originating as a project of the North Parish Racial Justice Team, the committee has grown to become a community-based group that includes members from across North Andover, Andover, and Georgetown, and whose focus has expanded beyond February. This year’s programming begins during Black History Month, extends into Women’s History Month and concludes at the Juneteenth celebration in Andover.
James Dargan will leading our service on February 9th, and will then bless us by performing his program entitled Oh, Glory 2! For anyone lucky enough to have attended last year’s very moving and successful program, Oh, Glory!, you know this is not to be missed.
In addition to two programs in February, two in March and one in June, the committee will be using its research into the lives of five local African Americans to create curriculum for middle and high school in order to shed light on the parts of our history that have remained hidden.
If you would like to donate, please make checks payable to North Parish with “January Outreach” in the memo line. You may also give to North Parish on our website here.
Rev. Lee’s Sabbatical – Details and FAQs here
Want to watch a service you missed?
Videos of recorded services from recent years are available on the North Parish YouTube channel.
What to expect during a Sunday Service
There are many ways to participate in our service. Whether you choose to sit and absorb, stand and sing, or offer your talents to our musical offerings or a reading, we are glad to see you. Here is a broader description of what you might find.
There’s more than just Sunday!
Hear more about our ongoing activities…
Help us create lovely Sundays!
Join the Sunday team
Sign up to help as Greeters, Ushers, Coffee Hour hosts, Zoom hosts, Caring Team Hosts
Here is more information about these roles.
Help out with our children and youth programs
North Parish runs cooperative programs to fulfill our mission of UU faith development for children and youth. Parents and non-parents are part of this ministry in a variety of roles. Volunteers are also needed for a variety of roles outside the Sunday morning classroom, including planning roles on the Youth Adult Team or Elementary RE Team, and as companions to youth as COA mentors or coordinators. For those roles, please email our Director of Family Religious Education.
Sign up to help in Children & Youth Classes on Sunday mornings
Honor a loved one
…with a donation of the Sunday flowers or weekly steeple lighting