Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about things work at North Parish – both connecting and communicating with others, as well as doing the “business” of our activities.
More information on specific topics can be found in the drop down menus below. If you have a question that is unanswered here, the best form of contact is to email the office or team/committee that is listed.
How do we connect with others?
“Community” is all about making connections – with each other, our staff, our teams and committees, and, if you are moved to do so, joining us in membership.
We are glad you are interested in joining us in membership! Members make our community thrive through participation and leadership of church activities, democratic governance, and financial support.
Already know that you are ready to become a member? Start here.
Fill Out Our Membership Form
Need more information? Read about the steps to becoming a member. If you have questions or need more information, please email our Membership Coordinator.
The minister and staff members enjoy meeting people – new and long term folks alike – whether at the Meeting House, at a coffee shop or for a walk around the Common. Each member of our staff has their own unique schedule; meetings or other commitments can make drop-ins difficult. It’s best to email them and arrange a mutually convenient time to meet. See the Our Staff page for their contact information.
North Parish, like many religious communities, relies on volunteers to run its programs and support the paid staff.
There are many ways to participate – from helping with a short-term project or event to a longer term leadership opportunity.
For an overview of the numerous volunteer roles and how to get involved see Teams & Committees and Lay Leadership.
Team or committee email
Those who have frequent or ongoing needs to receive email are given a generic email address (example – Here is a list of the current team/committee email contacts.
Need to change who receives your team/committee emails?
Email our office.
Need a phone or email contact for another member?
Our online directory is in REALM. Individuals and families provide their information when they set up an account. No one is listed without their permission.
Need to setup an account on REALM?
Email our Membership Coordinator to set one up.
Need to update your information?
You can edit your your contact information – email, phone, address and profile picture – once you log in to REALM. To update your group affiliations email our Membership Coordinator.
How do we publicize news and events?
North Parish has several ways to get the “word out,” let people know what’s going on. Here is a brief description of each – what they do and do not contain – and how to request an event or news item you want to publicize.
Our eNews is published on Friday during from September-June with a modified schedule during the summer, emailed to members and friends who sign-up.
The eNews contains:
- A weekly message from our Minister
- Governance updates from our Minister or elected Officers
- Personal news of concern or celebration about members of our congregation
- BRIEF announcements for a special event (example, our holiday fair or annual stewardship campaign)
Use this form to submit your request to publicize an event or news story.
Have a question about the eNews? Email Communications/Membership.
Our website is public and open for anyone to view. To protect individual privacy, personal information is not published on the website.
The News page contains stories about happenings around North Parish, including a regular post from our Minister. You can view previous items chronologically or by a specific category (for example, Climate Justice), using the filter button on the News page.
The Events page (our Calendar) displays upcoming programs and activities that occur at North Parish, as well as offsite events that are sponsored or recommended by a North Parish team or committee. You can search the list or calendar view for a specific posting, filter for a specific category or group, or view all.
Use this form to submit your request to publicize an event or news story.
Use this form to request space for your North Parish sponsored event, team or committee meeting, live or via Zoom.
NOTE: See General Rentals for information on booking our space for outside events (including celebrations, outside groups, etc.)
Our YouTube channels contain an archive of Sunday services and videos from special events. To submit content, email our YouTube liaison.
North Parish has two groups on Facebook.
North Parish of North Andover contains postings on upcoming services and North Parish sponsored events, inspirational messages, links to talks or books on the monthly Soul Matters theme. Select “Like” to follow this page. To request postings to this page email Social Media.
North Parish Members and Friends is a private group on Facebook. Anyone can find the group. Anyone who has joined the group can post to the page, see who’s in the group and what they post.
- Have a question or feedback on the website? Email the web team.
- Manage your team or committee email – Those who have frequent or ongoing needs to receive email are given a generic email address (example – Those emails are generally routed to the team chair. To change where those emails are directed, for example, when leadership changes, email our office.
- Change information on the webpage, including broken links – Email the web team. Minor edits can usually be handled quickly. A larger change in content may need to be reviewed with you.
- Linked documents – Linked documents on website pages provide your team or committee a way to provide more in-depth and fresh content about your activities, for example, to include a recap of your year’s activities or offerings. If you have questions or need to update, remove, or add a document, email the web team.
- Create new linked documents – Please include identifying information in your linked documents, for example, the church name, address, and phone. It is also helpful to include the author’s initials and revision date in the footer. You can create your own documents or use one of the templates below. Email your document to the web team as a Word or Google doc, not a PDF.
- Bulletin Boards – The use of our bulletin board space is being reviewed. For now, email our office for information before posting.
- Temporary display of materials or decorations – Please do not use regular tape to attach anything to painted surfaces. It peels the paint off when it is removed. “Blue” tape (for painting) and removable mounting putty are OK. Please remove all tape and putty when you are finished.
- Tables for display of materials and sign-ups during coffee hour are located in the Freeman Hall Storage Room (to the left of the Nursery). If you need assistance setting up a table or chairs, please email or phone the office so that our sexton can be alerted to take care of it during the week.
- Projectors and screens – A projector compatible with laptops is available for use by teams and committees. The projector is stored in the lower cabinet in the Copier room in the office. A small, portable display screen is stored in the Chapel storage closet. A larger, pull-down screen is overhead in the stage area of Freeman Hall (near the stairs to the sanctuary). If you wish to use the projector, email the office to confirm its availability.
Resources for teams and committees
First, check our Events calendar to see if the specific space and time you want are available. Use the Month view; filter on Venue to see availability of different spaces.
Use this form to request the physical space for your North Parish sponsored event, team or committee meeting, live or via Zoom. You will receive a confirmation from the office.
The church has a few Zoom accounts for teams to use. They are assigned on a “first come” basis. There is no limit to the number of personal Zoom events (“Via Personal Zoom”).
If you have questions, email the office to discuss your specific request.
When you book space for an event or meeting, you will be given instructions on how to access the building. Team leaders who need frequent access can request a key. Others will have access through the keypad outside the Chapel door (by the labyrinth) and Parish Hall door (on the Great Pond Road side).
Please indicate which door participants should use when they attend your event. Add this information to your publicity or any emails you send out (for example, use the Garden door for events in the Chapel or RE classrooms.
For questions, email our Congregation Administrator.
If your team/committee has a budget line for the expenses, complete and submit the online reimbursement form below, including a PDF or JPG copy of your receipt(s). A check will be mailed to you or the designated supplier/vendor.
If you are covering the expense as a donation, use the same form to request a donation receipt.
Or “How to be a good roommate while sharing a house with 500 or so of your closest friends”
Information on general building use by Teams and Committees.
Further information on operation of various equipment and guidelines for space use, including…
- Changing room temperature, finding supplies, adding tables and chairs, display of meeting or event materials
- Equipment use (kitchen coffee makers, stove, dishwasher), the elevator, projection system, phone system
- Special considerations for ringing the bell, opening doors
…refer to our Building Instructions.
First aid kits are located in a number of locations throughout our building, including:
- Sanctuary
- Hallway outside the kitchen
- Craft cleanup cabinet outside the Chapel
- Janitor’s closet between the Chapel and Elevator
- Office supply room
- Garden shed in the lower yard
Evacuation maps are located throughout the building, mounted on the wall. When you organize or set up for your meeting or activity, familiarize yourself with the best route from your location.
Leave no trace – Please return the space to its condition – or better!
If the containers in the room are too full, empty trash and recycling into the larger containers in the hallway outside the main kitchen by the Parish Hall.
If you need cleaning or bathroom supplies, here’s where they are:
- On the Chapel level, in the Janitor’s Room across from the restrooms.
- On the Freeman Hall level, in the Storage room by the stairs leading to the Sanctuary.