Yes, please do. Registering all children and youth who plan to attend weekly classes or participate in our other programs helps us prepare and ensure we have all materials needed each week.
Registering is also helpful as it provides our Director of Family Religious Education and our Religious Education Coordinator with any information regarding allergies or special education and care considerations. We want to ensure a safe and positive learning experience for everyone.
Use this link to register online Note: You need a Realm Account to use this registration form. If you do not have a Realm account, contact
There is no fee for registering your child to participate in our Religious Education classes. Special programs such Children’s OWL online and Youth Coming of Age may have some small materials costs associated with them for workbooks. Occasionally there may be some individual cost for youth field trip outings. However, no child or youth will be denied participation in any program or activity due to a financial hardship.
If you would like to chat about this, please email our Director of Family Religious Education or phone the church office to leave a message. All information is confidential.
Children and youth start each Sunday at 10 AM, gathering in the sanctuary with the rest of the congregation. At approximately 10:20 AM, after a Time for Wonder story and discussion moment, the children and youth are sung along their way as they move to their classrooms.
Class time typically ends at around 11:15 AM.
Children, youth and their teachers/advisors will exit through the left-side door at the front of the sanctuary.
- Elementary children proceed down the first set of stairs and then down the hallway to the right to the Chapel or their classrooms.
- Junior Youth Group classes are held on the bottom floor outside the office space in the Flex Room.
- Senior Youth Group classes meet in the parlor area in the Parish Hall.
Elementary children wait for their parents in their respective classrooms at the end of class time, approximately 11:15 AM.
Junior and senior youth can meet their parents or caregivers in the Parish Hall during coffee hour.
North Parish follows the UUA Safe Congregations Guidelines which provides resources, policies and procedures to best create a safe environment for all that is in line with our UU faith and values.
All staff and volunteer teachers and advisors must have a current CORI background check (Criminal Offender Record Information) on file in order to work with our North Parish children. There must always be two adults who are not related present during all classes or gatherings.
We make note of any allergies or medical concerns in order to ensure that our classrooms can be as safe as possible for all our children and youth. To discuss your concerns, please email our Director of Family Religious Education or phone the church office to leave a message.
North Parish is a fully accessible congregation. From the sanctuary, the elevator is located outside of the door on the left side of the pulpit (near the side gardens). It connects to all levels and is available to help anyone who has any trouble with stairs.
At North Parish, we strive to create spaces and programs which are welcoming and accommodating to best support every child and youth on their spiritual life journey. To discuss your child or youth’s needs, please email our Director of Family Religious Education or phone the church office to leave a message. We will work together to create a supportive learning plan.