I am only one, But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But I can still do something: And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can.
Edward Everett Hall
Our Caring Community is a network of volunteers within our congregation who, through acts of kindness and generosity, offer practical and pastoral support to others in the church community.
What we can do
Here is list with examples of practical support we offer. The need may be short-term or ongoing.
How do I request assistance?
If you are in need of support on those listed or in other ways, email the Caring Community or Minister, or email or call the church office. Our Minister or a member of the Caring Community will contact you.
How do I volunteer to help?
All are welcome to join our volunteer Caring Community and respond to requests on an as needed/as available basis. We respect your skills and honor your boundaries of time and availability. Some help is a one-time thing; others may extend over a mutually agreed period of time.
If you are moved to offer your help in small or large ways to the community, use the Caring Community Volunteer Interest form to let us know how you might be willing to help. Completing the form does not create a commitment. When a need arises, a member of our Caring Team will contact you – and you can always say “no.”
If you need more information or have questions, email the Caring Community.