This month may feel like winter or it may feel like spring, but one thing for certain is that we’ll count on you to participate in the pledge drive to fund the church. Click here for an explanation and information on the how, when and why of what making a pledge to North Parish is all about.
Did you know that pledges constitute 87% of the income needed to meet our Budget? Did you know that if we break down the total amount of income needed to finance the church for the next fiscal year, and divide it by the number of members of North Parish, it costs roughly $160 per month, per member? (Our children and youth don’t tend to pledge, but pledges from “friends” are most welcome to help us make that number go down!) Some can afford that and more, others simply cannot. But we do rely on everyone to contribute at the level that works for you. All pledges make a difference- honest-and we hope for 100% participation.
We do have a Giving Guide on the North Parish website that walks you through various scenarios of fair share giving and explains ways you can contribute automatically on a monthly basis. To everyone who has given both generously and consistently we thank you! And to anyone who is joining us for the first time, thank you too! Together let’s do this and make it a great month.
– The Stewardship Team
P.S. Click here for a stewardship postcard to share with friends and family!