Wanted: Adult Bikes in Good Condition

The new Afghan arrivals are now settling in, and starting new jobs. There is a need for bicycles in good condition, to provide transportation to their jobs. If you have an adult bike you would like to donate, read on:


Need #1: Adult bicycles, in ready to go condition. [No flats, or missing parts.] If you would like to donate, contact Dave Lewis at David_Lewis@uml.edu, and arrange a time to bring the bike (s) to his house at 21 Arthur Rd, Andover [near the high school.] He will then send to another volunteer for a final tune up, and delivery with helmet, lock, and lights.

Need #2: The Lowell office is also looking for volunteers for mentoring and ESOL teachers. Dave can provide insights, or you may contact the IINE office directly. See the attachment here.