Thursday, February 29th at 7pm at the net-zero North Andover Historical Society Stevens Center
The North Parish Climate Justice Group is excited to present “Networked Geothermal: A Safe, Equitable, and Affordable Transition” in conjunction with the North Andover Historical Society on Thursday, February 29 at 7 pm. Audrey Schulman, Co-Executive Director of HEET, will present a look at how the gas utilities can transform themselves into renewable thermal utilities, a look at the future of heat. This should be of particular interest to Merrimack Valley residents who experienced first hand the collapse of the local gas system. Join us for a glimpse of the very near future, one with a transformative method of building heating and cooling – networked geothermal! Who: Audrey Schulman, Co-Executive Director of HEET. HEET, a nonprofit climate solutions incubator with a mission to cut carbon emissions NOW through systems change, has come up with a way to move from the old, polluting and dangerous system of heating our homes to a new efficient, non-polluting, and safe way. What: “Networked Geothermal: A Safe, Equitable, and Affordable Transition” When: Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 7pm Where: The net-zero North Andover Historical Society Stevens Center (map) Why: We need a planet where ALL beings can thrive.