Many leaders have been contributing time and love to North Parish over these summer weeks- and we owe them all a debt of gratitude. Among them are:
- The summer worship service team, led by Helen Cymbala, guest musicians, and those who have led summer services
- The North Parish 2.0 Task Force, who have been reacting to rapidly changing circumstances as they plan for the fall
- The Personnel Committee, who has been working on recruiting, interviewing, and hiring a new youth coordinator, a new membership and communications coordinator, and new Sunday tech people
- The Technology team, who continue to work out the technical support details of coming hybrid worship services and also an upgrade to the congregation’s data storage system
- The People’s Pantry Team, who continue to procure, receive, sort, and distribute food for those in need
- The Website Team, who rolled out a brand-new, exciting, fresh congregational web site. Check it out!
- The Racial Justice Team, who has been holding a discussion of the book Caste this summer and making plans for the year ahead
- The Climate Justice Team, who have been involved in important conversations with elected officials, as well as meeting (often virtually) to plan and socialize
- The Gardeners, who weeded and reclaimed the back corner of the North Parish backyard, planting flowers and installing a new fence. It’s beautiful, as are the other gardens they maintain!
- Barry Low, who donated a Baby Grand Clavinova, which will be a wonderful addition to potlucks, singalongs, talent shows and other parish hall events when we return.
- The Building and Grounds Committee, chaired by Kim Adami, who have dealt with all things big and little concerning the building
- Treasurer Nancy Sarro, who has been working with our auditor
- The Caring Team, who continue to work with Rev. Lee to coordinate pastoral care and outreach
- The Ferry Beach planning team, who are working on coordination of our October 1-3 retreat
- and, of course, our staff, who continue to keep things moving in the summer and prepare for the fall