Dear good people,
It’s been another hard week in the news of the war in Israel/Gaza, which is distressing and can really impact already over-burdened lives. If you could benefit from gathering in supportive community other than or in addition to Sunday mornings, please let me know. We can create new support groups or a Zoom check-in group, match you with an existing small group, gather a small group listening circle to specifically to process our response to terrorist atrocities or this war and its history- or whatever else is bearing down on you. Anyone is welcome to join me in the parlor for a brown bag lunch and conversation this Tuesday at noon, although the focus of the lunch will be our response to the themes in the book On Repentance and Repair, which addresses harm-doing and repair on the personal and societal levels. (The book is the UUA’s “Common Read” for 2023; you can read my sermon on it here.) Let’s support each other through these beautiful and sometimes tough days of October.
This past week, Monday through Wednesday, I attended my bi-annual UU ministers’ study group. Sometimes we read scholarly books, sometimes novels; this fall’s selection was The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. Those of you who may have read it will know that it addresses questions about the role of regret, free will, choice and spiritual/emotional rebirth in our lives, as well as the theme of suicidality. Among other things, the book is a reminder to me to remind YOU that if anyone has tendencies towards suicidal ideation (a common phenomenon), it is good to have an actual, physical list of people to reach out to when you’re feeling down… and I am a good person to have on that list. My cell/text # is 978-204-1535; my email is
Sadly, I will miss the celebration of the congregation’s 378th birthday on Sunday as I was told to make sure I attend Parents’ Weekend during the first year of my son’s college experience, so I will be up in Maine for that. I’ll look forward to watching the service recording, to seeing the spiritual objects you bring, and perhaps seeing some of you on Tuesday for lunch.
Yours, in the midst of the earth’s bright shout of oranges, reds, rusts & yellows,
Rev. Lee