“There is nothing else to do now but rest, and patiently learn to receive the self you have forsaken in the race of days.”
– John O’Donahue (from “A Blessing for One who Is Exhausted”)
School’s out! Or it is just about out, as kids are released and teachers hang on for just a few more days this next week. The Summer Solstice gives us the longest day of the year on Tuesday. Suddenly, finally, summer is ushered in.
For some of us, there is no change in routine. For others, there is a major downshift in obligations… or the chance to rest in beautiful places. For still others, there is even more scrambling to juggle work, home and keeping the kids occupied whether at home or camp or summer jobs. Breathe, everyone, breathe!
Our rhythm at North Parish shifts too; after one last service in the Sanctuary this Sunday, we shift over to the Chapel and a bunch of casual, outdoor weekend gatherings. After the 2nd full year of COVID caution, we don’t want to miss the chance to see each other in the airy, blessed outdoors! Feel free to contact the office to reserve use of the gardens and backyard for your own small groups in July and August (with NP indoor spaces as rainy day backup).
Next week, Bob Watts will be attending the annual General Assembly (“GA”) in Portland, Oregon on Thursday through Sunday as our only “in-person” delegate; thank you Bob! A few others will be watching some sessions or voting online (go to uua.org/GA to see what you can see!) GA is how the Association of UU congregations governs itself, by gathering delegates from congregations all over the country who then use the democratic process to make decisions. I’ll be Zooming into the Ministers’ GA Professional Days Monday through Thursday this next week, but will be available in the mornings since GA is on West Coast time.
One of my kids is already off to his summer job taking youth hiking in the Adirondack mountains and the other just graduated from 8th grade as I write this. After a long COVID year, I’m thinking “Where did the time go?” Summer is a’comin’ in!
Yours, with gratitude for the long-lit days,
Rev. Lee