For people who value life and each of its unique expressions in every child and person and being in the world, the war in Ukraine is just so devastating. The UU Service Committee Home – Unitarian Universalist Service Committee ( now has a Ukrainian Response Fund which will be channeled to grassroots organizations helping refugees. If you need a place to acknowledge, make room for or feel your grief and/or hope, I invite you to Sunday’s service. The music in the sanctuary is so beautiful.
These next three and a half months- I hope– we have a window of opportunity to “Be In Person Church” again. If you’re not concerned about COVID but have been waiting to return until there was hymn singing or coffee hour, I hope you’ll return now. We are singing hymns and need your voices… because masks tune down the volume! We’re not quite back to coffee hour but folks are welcome to chat after the service in the sanctuary. (If someone wants to be creative and provide happification and snacks or Dunkin’ coffee “to go” at the front doors, you’re welcome to do your thing.)
We’re all a little rusty on “being the church in person”. We do now need ushers, greeters, RE teachers, yard sale organizers, welcome guides for newcomers, and perhaps soon- with warmer weather- some hosts for outdoor coffee hour. If you’re not coming in but still want to participate, you might dedicate the flowers or steeple lighting some week. This week, if we have two ushers we’ll even try that old fashioned ritual of passing the plates again. Woah! Let’s go crazy!
Our steeple is so beautiful against a deep blue sky. It is an image for many of goodness, simplicity, the sacred.
Good people, let’s be the church again.
Rev. Lee
P.S. Thank you to every single person who has made a pledge! Talk about “being the church”!
To sign up as a Sunday volunteer, see the basic instructions under This Sunday. And… I hope to see some of you on Tuesday at noon via Zoom for lunch. We can share what has sustained us this winter, what we’re looking forward to this spring, share opinions about “downsizing” the pulpit as well as a few of our stories of first encounters with UUism.