
At North Parish we believe in making room in our lives for growth – for ourselves, our congregation, and our minister

Nature photos - tree, woods, bird eggs, dahliaIn the spirit of exploration and discovery, reflection and renewal, our minister the Reverend Lee Bluemel will be on Sabbatical from August 1 through January 31st. Ministerial sabbaticals benefit both the minister and the congregation, bringing creative and new perspectives to all. They are especially important for the health of the congregation and ministry during a long-term ministerial-congregational partnership such as ours (25 years and counting).

This is an exciting time in our congregation!  Rev. Lee has worked with the Board of Trustees and the Sabbatical Committee to prepare for her absence and is confident in our ability to adjust, explore, discover and grow. We ask for your presence, participation and support as we embark on this creative, new chapter in our communal life together.

If you have questions, ideas, time, energy, or feedback, please contact anyone on the Sabbatical Committee (Tad BickfordCathie Briscoe, Caring Team Chair; Carol Disney and Debb Putnam, Committee on Ministry; Aaron Pawelek, Worship Committee Chair; and Rick Briscoe, Board Liaison) or the Board of Trustees (Susan Malloy, Chair; Rick Briscoe, Marsha Cordio, Cara Forcino, Mary Kilpatrick, Lynn Langton, John Williams, and non-voting member Don Melson, Treasurer)

A personal message from Rev. Lee… 

Dear good people of North Parish,

Thank you for “being the church” while I am gone on sabbatical!  I have total faith in you. I am also very grateful to you, and for you.

I am grateful to Li for holding the congregation through this anxious season and beyond. Trustworthy places of sanctuary are so needed in this stressful, worrisome, topsy-turvy world.

I have been observing myself wanting to make sure all ducks are lined up in a row before my sabbatical begins, … (read more)

Who will provide ministerial leadership?

The congregation is delighted to welcome Li Kynvi as our ¾ time Sabbatical Minister. Li K. (they/them) will be with us from mid-August 2024 through January 2025.

February 2021 to June 2024, Li K. served in ministry at First Parish of Groton, first as Ministerial Intern (2021- 2023), then as Sabbatical Minister, then as Student Minister in Residence (2023- 2024). They have also served as Student Minister at the Unitarian Church of Montpelier (2019 – 2020). Li K. also works as board certified music therapist and licensed mental health counselor. They’ve worked in hospice since 2007, for the last 10+ years for Care Dimensions. They have also taught as an adjunct professor at Lesley University and Anna Maria College. Li K. has a Masters Degree in Music Therapy and Mental Health Counseling (2000) as well as a Masters of Divinity degree from Starr King School for the Ministry (spring 2024.) They are a candidate for the Unitarian Universalist ordination, which will hopefully happen in 2025.

We have chosen a sabbatical team who will be available to assist Li in any way they need. Members of the sabbatical team include Debb Putnam, Rick Briscoe, Tad Bickford, Carol Disney, Cathie Briscoe and Aaron Pawelek. If you have questions or concerns about anything involving the sabbatical that you’d like to talk through with someone other than Li, Tad Bickford is serving in that role as a liaison of sorts. Feel free to contact him at, 978-397-4652 or approach him on Sunday. This is Tad:

Photo of Tad Bickford

In addition to benefitting from Li Kynvi’s leadership, our lay leaders will be deepening their ministries and their connections with North Parish members, friends and newcomers. Among them:

  • The Caring Team will work closely with Li K. to offer pastoral support and care.
  • The Worship Committee will work closely with Li K. to plan and lead worship services.
  • The Parish Council will continue to coordinate the calendar and various program committees.
  • The Board of Trustees will continue to lead in strategic, financial and policy planning in their role as fiduciaries of the congregation.

Who to contact about…?

Here are some quick email links to help you find information or share information with the congregation.