Represent North Parish at General Assembly

This year’s Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly (June 22-28) is multi-platform, meaning that you can attend either virtually or in person in Portland, Oregon. The North Parish is entitled to seven delegates, who will be able to learn about and vote on important matters coming before our religious movement, as well as take part in a huge array of workshop, worship services, and social events. If you are interested in finding out more or in being a delegate, please contact A number of North Parish people have served as delegates in past years, both in person and virtually, and we can connect you with them to find out about their experience. There is also LOTS of information on the UUA website for you to explore and get a sense of what to expect. Here is a place to start.

Dates to Remember

  • April 21 – 2022 Board of Trustees will finalize 2022-23 budget and other items for Annual Meeting Agenda
  • April 24 – Initial trial focus group/listening circle
  • May 1 – Information meeting after worship, both in person and via Zoom
  • Early May – Mid-week information meeting via Zoom to be scheduled
  • May 15 Annual Meeting after worship. This will be in-person only, per our by-laws