The Red Bow Fair is Open for Raffle Tickets
The Entire Red Bow Fair goes Live December 2
Key Times and Dates:
Thursday, Dec. 2 from 3-6 PM: Red Bow Fair site is offline while our elves make final updates
Thursday, Dec. 2 at 6 PM: Red Bow Fair is OPEN for all purchases and Silent Auction bidding!
Saturday, Dec. 4 at 3 PM: Silent Auction bidding and Shopping ENDS!
Saturday, Dec. 4 at 5 PM: Quilt and Wine Raffle Drawings broadcast via Facebook Live!
Have questions or problems with the Fair site? Contact Nancy Sarro
Click below for a sampling of available items…
Red Bow Fair Postcards are available at the North Parish Office
Mail Them to your Friends and Family! Call ahead to the office to make sure someone is there to give them to you.
How to participate in the Online Fair
You will be able to view pictures of all items, make your selections and check out via a convenient on line shopping cart. You will be able to bid on Silent Auction items and will be notified when you are outbid so you can bid again!
Credit cards will be accepted and are highly encouraged. Items you purchase or win at the Auction will be available for pick up at North Parish via scheduled, socially distanced times on Sunday December 5 and Monday December 6. You may pay by check at that time but credit card payment is preferred.
Other ways you can participate:
- Sign up as a “bidder” (aka buyer) and purchase your wine and quilt tickets
- Sign up as a “bidder” (aka buyer) and bid on and purchase items once the fair is open
- Spread the word! (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email & Text)
Please contact Keith Wentzel via text or phone at 978-807-7014 or email if you have any questions, would like to help, or need more information.