In so many ways, we have weathered the pandemic time pretty well and are coming out of the last two and a half years with many of our justice projects and public-facing projects, like the Crossroads Music Series, thriving. We have hybrid services and tech capabilities that far surpass what we might have imagined in 2019. The pulpit has been reconfigured and the Board is working out the kinks of a new rental system for our desirable new space, knowing that rental income will help support our core programs.
But…the congregational infrastructure was devastated by two and a half years of pandemic emergency conditions. The Board, Parish Council, and program staff are asking: how do we rebuild the teams that support Sunday services, welcome and integrate newcomers, teach and guide our children and youth, care for elders and those who are ill or grieving, and organize social events? In many cases, those core congregational functions have continued through the pandemic thanks to the extraordinary efforts of our staff and of a small cadre of key volunteers who have devoted large amounts of time to the care and feeding of our congregational community. We are SO grateful to our staff and volunteers, and aware that it is time to rebuild the teams and groups and committees that help to share the load. There is room for YOU in this project – your voice, your perspective, your hands-on engagement, your commitment of what time it is possible for you to give. You might start by volunteering to usher, or be a greeter, or help with set-up and clean-up of coffee hour. You might offer to work with children or youth. You might join the Red Bow Fair team. You might offer to be trained to run the sound and video tech for services and events. Opportunities to engage abound- look for more information this month on the many, many ways you can become part of the creative rebuilding effort. And we expect you will deepen relationships with other North Parishioners along the way.