"Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it."
– Aubrey De Graf
As many of you are aware, I decided to be a cowgirl for Halloween this year. Sadly, the day before Halloween – Saturday – I discovered that my cowboy boots and toy gun were missing. Had I forgotten my beloved old boots at the shoe repair shop? Had I given my toy gun to the boys next door? Who knows. There was nothing to do but adapt.
I got out a new pair of boots that I’d bought at a discount store and some clothesline rope to use as a lasso. But I couldn’t let it go. I felt compelled to tell folks- once I was all dressed up- that my REAL cowboy boots and my fancy six-shooter were missing. My costume wasn’t perfect!
For some, I suppose it doesn’t feel like “real” church to have an online Red Bow Fair, or church via Zoom, or mostly empty pews on Sunday. To be truthful, a number of folks seem to have disengaged and only time will tell how many will come back. But now that y’all are out of the habit of coming to church, the sanctuary is open and the religious education programs are beginning at 10:00 am again! A few things may still be missing (aka coffee hour) but at least we’ll be here. We’ve adapted. It hasn’t been perfect, but who cares about that?
One of the suggested reflection questions from this month’s Soul Matters packet is this: “When you tell the history of the pandemic ten years from now, what story do you think you will begin with?” For some, it may be the loss of someone precious- for which I am so sorry. For others, it may be the challenges of managing pandemic parenting and jobs, or kids’ mental health crises, or moving to a new home, or pandemic-style travel or political engagement. Maybe a few will tell a story about North Parish – how it helped get us through with beautiful music, happy kids, circles of support for the youth, seasonal traditions… and a few chances to dress up and just have fun.
Yours, with my boots and hat on, Rev. Lee