“Thanks for this moment, in which I have a profoundly satisfying sense of having all that I truly need.”
– the Rev. Kirk Byron Jones, a personal mantra
Yesterday I was talking to Erika Cohen-Maddaluno, one of our Board members, about potential plans for the new year. We are both excited and intrigued by this potential but agreed to “wait until January” to explore things further. She has young children and summed things up expertly by saying “We’ll be white-knuckling our way through Christmas!”
To those who are not white-knuckling their ways through the holidays- thank goodness for each and every one of you! We hope you can spread some of your inner peace to those of us whose internal thermostats are set on “hurry” these days. Between the regular stuff, the pagan partying and seasonal spirituality, there is a lot to cover… depending on how much we choose to cover!
On Sunday I suggested that we practice “creative waiting”, as religious communities must often do. Is there one thing you- or we- can do this week to feel some spaciousness, to be curiously attentive, or to prepare for contentment? Did any of you get around to writing yourself a “permission slip” to take some long pauses?
Gee, maybe I’ll write myself one right now and talk a short walk up Academy Road while the sun is shining. You’re welcome to join me someday if you’d like to.
Yours, remembering “Perfection is not the goal; peace is…”,
Rev. Lee
P.S. For those in the sanctuary: The online congregation had a little fun with ideas for new characters to join The Elf on the Shelf. In addition to my suggestion of a new doll called The Monk in a Funk, Erika Cohen-Maddaluno informed us that a Mensch on a Bench already exists for Hannukah. Helen Cymbala suggested Thor in a Drawer; Lora Freeman-Williams suggested a Witch on a Switch and Krishna in a Dish. A North Parish cottage industry fundraiser, perhaps? Creatives, let me know! And whoever said online church is not entertaining?