In preparation for the May 15, 2022 Annual Meeting, the Board met with Nominating Committee representative Lynn Wentzel, with Finance Committee representatives Dan Gerron and Keith Wentzel and with Personnel Committee representatives Gary Muldoon and Deb Hall. We examined a draft budget that presumes that our congregation will meet our pledge goal. We had a substantive discussion with Rev. Lee, who is head of staff, and with the Personnel Committee about the stress on our staff over the last two pandemic years, particularly with key volunteer positions unfilled (Religious Education Committee and Membership Committee, among others). The Parish Council is considering organizing program volunteers by project rather than committee and hope that as the pandemic subsides and parishioners feel more comfortable, they will return to in-person worship and engage or (re-engage!) with mission critical parish activities. We are pleased to note that Sunday morning in-person attendance is growing and that we have had a number of visitors in the last few weeks.
The Annual Meeting on May 15 after service will be in-person only, because the Commonwealth of Massachusetts state of emergency has expired. It was the state of emergency which allowed us to hold Zoom meetings despite our by-law requirement that the meeting be in person. The Board is looking at options for making a recording available, but there will be no provision for people to ask questions, speak, or vote electronically. Something to look at when a committee does a deep dive review of the by-laws next year, perhaps?
Timelines and Opportunities for Leadership and Member Input to Annual Meeting:
April 14th: Board and Parish Council joint meeting
April 21st: The Board will finalize the budget and agenda
April 24th and May 1st: Information/ Discussion Sessions re: agenda and budget
May 15th: Annual Meeting
Your 2021- 2022 Board of Trustees: Gail Forsyth-Vail, Chair; Tad Bickford, Erika Cohen Maddaluno, Bob Kinkaid, Kirk Olsen, Bob Watts, John Williams; with Treasurer Nancy Sarro and Rev. Lee Bluemel, non-voting