The UUA 5th principle is “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large”. With that in mind, and with an important presidential election coming up, the Racial Justice Team is organizing an effort to send 1,400 postcards to voters in Florida with vote-by-mail information. This effort will be in conjunction with Cara Marshall’s mom’s church (UU Congregation of Lake County) in central Florida. The postcards were created by, a non-partisan organization.
We are looking for your help in two ways:
- Please join us for a work party on Sunday September, 15th after the service in the Flex Room. We will be attaching mailing labels and stamps to the postcards. RSVPs to would be appreciated so we have a rough count. Since these postcards require no writing, it’s possible that with 6-10 people we can complete them in about an hour, so even if you don’t RSVP, please come!
- We need to raise $1,022 to cover the postage. We will be taking donations at the work party, or you can make a payment via Realm (use the “Other” category and specify “Racial Justice Fund postcards” in the memo line) or via a check to the office (specifying “Racial Justice Fund postcards” in the memo line).
Remember, Democracy rocks!