Due to construction happening on our campus, this summer’s Peace and Science Week has been moved to winter break, February 17 – February 25, 2025!
Science, mystery, and wonder are some of the sources that inform our Unitarian Universalist tradition so children and youth, PS (3-and-4-year-olds) – 12th Graders are invited to spend a glorious week (February 17-February 21) learning peaceful practices and exploring amazing experiments, thought-provoking activities, and wonderous music and art, with lots of time for games, relaxing, and building friendships.
Our youth will have their own Peace Week experience as well as well as engaging in the service project of serving as Junior Counselors (6th – 8th graders), Senior Counselors (9th-12th graders), and CIT’s — counselors-in-training (5th graders).
Register online and for more information, please contact our Director of Family Religious Education, Susanne Hinson-Rieger at dre@northparish.org.