Pandemic Era Appreciation

The day after Thanksgiving, the Boston Globe printed a collection of “gratitudes” that people sent in after reading an invitation to do so on the editorial page. Denise Van Vooren let me know that mine made it in, ta-da!  The whole lovely piece can be read here. Here’s what I submitted:

“I am grateful for the elders in my congregation. Despite having to learn a completely new way of “attending” services by Zoom, they figured it out and kept showing up these past two years, week after week, on Sunday mornings. It is so good to see their faces. Through the screen, I feel their support for their minister and for their church and its values. They know a thing or two about loyalty, faithfulness, and sustaining community, and what it takes to pay it all forward.”

The Sunday staff team – John, Erin, Kerry Anne, Amy and I – may be looking at the folks in the pews or Parish Hall more than the video camera, but we DO see those of you who are attending online and coming to the children’s and youth programs.  We appreciate every person who tunes in, every person who shows up, every person who is lending mindfulness or prayer to each other during candles of joys and sorrows.  We appreciate every person who is still sending in financial contributions or pledge payments to sustain the church community, the Peoples’ Pantry or other outreach projects.  Right now, we are grateful for every person who is checking out our biggest fundraiser – the Red Bow Fair – as well as each person who has lent their time, talent or treasure to make it happen!

Congregational life is all about relationships, and we have been deeply challenged by not being able to reaffirm our relationships in person on a weekly basis. But this too shall pass, and meanwhile please know that I appreciate your loyalty, faithfulness and support!

Yours in appreciation and with RED BOW FAIR spirit,

Rev. Lee

P.S.  Don’t forget!  Not only is it the Red Bow Fair, but Helen Cymbala, Darnell Canada and I will be handing out Solstice and Christmas Eve-at-Home supplies on Saturday between 11 and noon… and Santa will also be available to hear wishes and take photos!  Extra bonus: Santa will be MORE handsome than last year!