Updates from our Board of Trustees
New Sound System
We now have a brand-new JBL/Crown based sound system, fully integrated into the sanctuary. This promises to provide full musical range and improved clarity for every pew. Much gratitude to Peter Race, may he rest in peace, for the bequest that allowed us to get the new sound system, which is now installed. Thanks also to John Middleton-Cox, Steve Vail, North Parish friend John Porter, and others who worked on figuring out what we needed.
Plans are in process for additional sound system upgrades that will provide additional wireless microphones and improved hearing assisted capabilities.
New Membership Coordinator
Welcome to Mike Antczck, our new Membership Coordinator, who is starting next week! See Our Staff page for a photo and brief bio about Mike.
Parish Council Retreat
Thanks to the committee and team chairs who attended the Parish Council retreat on August 28th, and thanks for your leadership going forward this year!