Board of Trustees Sets Goals for 2021-22

These are the goals set during the July 31 retreat of this year’s Board of Trustees:

  1. Support for Outreach
  2. Support for Family Ministry and Faith Development for Children and Youth
  3. Examining congregational structures with a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens, utilizing the UUA report ”Widening the Circle of Concern” as a guide
  4. Ongoing work, including by-laws review, legacy giving, house and grounds issues, North Parish 2.0 task force

Values that undergird our work as a Board

At our July 31 retreat, we identified the values that are foundational to our decision-making. It’s quite a list!

  • Honesty
  • Open-ness (to new ideas and to one another)
  • Sincerity
  • Co-operation
  • Wholeness
  • Justice
  • Respect
  • Acceptance
  • Transparency to the congregation
  • Confidentiality when required
  • Speaking with one voice when a decision is made
  • Active listening
  • Respecting difference of opinion
  • Generosity of spirit to benefit others whose lives would be deepened, enriched by UUism
  • Getting our message more broadly known (outreach and marketing)
  • Stewardship of the mission
  • Joyfulness
  • Pride in Unitarian Universalism
  • Willingness to speak of UU connection, to issue personal invitation where appropriate
  • Longevity of the congregation- keeping in mind the next generation and newcomers when we make decisions

Board Votes by Email

Occasionally, the BoT votes by email because a decision must be made quickly. Any Board vote by email must be unanimous, and must be formally ratified at the next regular board meeting. This has already been a busy month. We have voted four (!) times:

  1. To accept with gratitude the donation of a baby grand clavinova from Barry Low and to pay for the expense of professional piano movers through the Music Fund
  2. To reinstate the mask mandate, effective immediately
  3. To authorize the hiring of a second tech person for Sunday services
  4. At the recommendation of the Personnel Committee and staff, to extend an offer of employment to a new youth coordinator (more info coming about this!)

Parish Letter RE: Supporting Families

The Board sent a letter this week to members and friends who have Realm accounts, detailing ways to support children, youth, and family ministries at North Parish. Thanks for reading it and responding! The letter did not make note of the fact that a number of people who are not actively parenting have contributed time and love to children’s and youth programs over the years. We apologize for that omission.