“We all find ourselves bouncing around three very human lies that we believe about our identity: I am what I have, I am what I do, and I am what other people say or think about me.”
– Christopher Heuertz
“At the center of your being, you have the answer; you know who you are, and you know what you want.”
– Lao Tzu
Well, it was quite a holiday season for some of us. I’ve heard from so many folks who got sick from one thing or another. And then there were folks whose travel plans were ruined, those who had a tree come through the roof, and those who lost family members. Even during the holidays, life can keep throwing us those wild curveballs. And for some, the gift of winter illnesses just keeps on giving. My thoughts are with all who are not well. As for me, I am better after two weeks of being pretty much out of commission. This was the first Christmas Eve in 31 years that I wasn’t in a pulpit, since that habit began in my student ministry days. I zoomed in but missed you all, and I am so grateful to Rev. Tess and the staff team for giving us all some beautiful services. I’m so glad for all who had a healthy and lovely holiday.
As we begin the new year, the winter season creates the conditions for looking inward. We’ll invite each other to do so as individuals, as North Parish and as a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association. The Board and Parish Council will be meeting this month to discuss whether or not North Parish should engage in a process to adopt the 8th principle, The 8th Principle of Unitarian Universalism. Meanwhile, on the national level, discussions continue about changing the current statement of UUA “Purpose, Principles and Sources” to a new organizing statement that binds all UU congregations. This new statement is about values and covenant, inspirations, inclusion and freedom of belief. (See here.)
We UUs are always evolving as individuals, as a congregation and a faith tradition… which means that every one of your voices helps shape our future. Who knows what 2023 may hold for us all? With hopes for health and happiness, peace and preservation of the interdependent web of life, and all sorts of small blessings that help balance out the struggles of our lives.
Yours in the journey,
Rev. Lee