Great Acts of Love

“Love is more than a rush of feeling. Love is sweet labor… It is demanding. It is life-giving. And it is a choice that we make over, and over, and over again.”

– Valarie Kaur

Last Sunday, I invited people to write down in the Zoom chat or on sticky notes one of their “greatest acts of love”.  Some of you did so and I thank you! Since most of us didn’t get to read them when the notes were stuck on the windows, I’d like to share some of those words this Sunday in the service.  (Let me know if you don’t want yours read.)

A valentine made by a North Parish child

This Sunday we’ll hear more from the Black History project and celebrate a “chocolate communion” with the children. After the service, we’ll hold the mid-year, pre-Stewardship Financial Information Meeting with valentine activities for children in the Parish Hall. The leadership is committed to financial transparency and doesn’t want the congregation to be surprised by the budget when it is put forth for vote in May. Here’s something that surprised some of us recently: our last month’s electric bill was $3,300! That’s a thousand dollars more than the same time frame last year. When you add the gas bill, those two utilities alone cost NP about $4,400 last month, roughly $146 per day. This is why you may notice that the lights on the steeple are turning off much earlier at night than they used to. It is also one reason why congregational conversations about finances are so important.

This month, one of the suggested Soul Matters spiritual practices is to send or give a valentine to someone in your life who is under appreciated. It’s not too late to plan to do that… maybe to someone you encounter regularly, a friend or family member, or someone who has made you feel welcome at North Parish. Valentines can be fun!

See you and your chocolate-loving friends at the Meeting House,
Rev. Lee

P.S. If you’d like to email me one of your “greatest acts of love” by Saturday mid-day, I’d love to hear it, and include on Sunday.

P.P.S. As this newsletter is about to go out, I’ve learned of the tragedy of a murder-suicide in Andover this week. My heart goes out to all those affected by this tragedy and by gun violence. Please reach out if you’re scared or struggling with mental illness; we all need support to get through.