“God is love.”
– 1 John 4:8, Christian scriptures, quoted often by NP alum Gary Adams
“Our main job, both as a Universalist community and as individual person, is to remember love, whenever we can…”
– Rev. Darcey Laine
February is Black History month. It’s the month of Imbolc/Groundhog Day, Valentines’ Day, Mardi Gras and the start of Lent. It’s cold… and the shortest month of the year. Our Soul Matters theme is “the path of love.” Here are some ideas for a few “spiritual exercises” this month:
- Write a love letter to someone or some thing that is underappreciated.
- Write a valentine to someone who welcomed you to North Parish (perhaps at the coffee hour cards table. We’ll send it for you!)
- Practice love and self-care for part of yourself that you often ignore or put last- whether physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, creative or other part.
A sign seen by Jennifer Recklet Tassi on her way home from church last Sunday. Reflect on one of these questions:
- What did love mean to you as a child? And now?
- Whose love has companioned you the longest?
- What or who most helped you after love broke you to bits?
- What has been your greatest act of love?
On Sunday we reflected on the idea that Love is at the center of Unitarian Universalism. If you missed it and are curious, here is a link to the UUA’s new “Article II” with the graphic that shows love in the center. And here is a link to the full Article II commission study. It will be presented at the national meeting of UUs (“General Assembly”) this year, and it must pass two years’ of approvals WITHOUT objections, corrections, etc. to be adopted. The Board is seeking GA delegates (remote attendance possible) who will vote during GA, June 21st – 25th.
February is a great month for fuzzy blankets, chocolate, silly valentines, and a flurry of appreciation/love notes to friends, family, significant others. After all, if you can’t escape Hallmark, do it one better!
Yours, with heart stickers,
Rev. Lee