September 15th-17th
NEW FOR THIS YEAR! We are sharing with Two UU churches in Worcester MA: and
We appreciate their willingness to accommodate us for this year. We have met with their coordinator and it’s going be a great fit and a fun weekend!
What that means: Is that you cannot hesitate in registering, particularly if you have a specific room or campsite in mind!
The registration cost you will see includes the cost for one adult’s food (4 meals, 3 on Sat., Sun. breakfast) as well as the room. Others being registered in the same room will only be charged for food, the amount depending on age group. Click here to register.
Ferry Beach Day Trip Option
Can’t spend the entire weekend at Ferry Beach? There’s now an option for a Day Trip on Saturday, September 16th.
If you want to go for the day you can register by calling the Registration Team at 207-282-4489 or by email at You pay for Saturday lunch and supper, costs depend on age group, also a small fee for use of facilities/beach.