Essex County Habitat for Humanity

This Sunday’s special outreach collection will benefit Essex County Habitat for Humanity, a non-profit organization  that “brings people together to build affordable homes, strengthen families and communities, and foster hope.”

In the last few years, more than two dozen North Parish members and friends have helped to construct four units of housing on Stott Circle in Andover and more recently two more on Spruce Street in Lawrence. The Andover homes are now fully occupied, and the Lawrence duplex is expected to be completed this year.

They will add to the 114 affordable homes constructed in Essex County, along with an additional 41 homes rehabbed since 1985. These homes are all made available to families whose annual incomes are less than 60 percent of the area median income. Each family must contribute at least 240 hours of volunteer “sweat equity” during the construction of their homes. The mortgages they assume are kept permanently affordable by Habitat for Humanity.

Our North Parish volunteer group will be providing some of the finishing touches to the new Lawrence duplex during a Build Day on Saturday, April 8, after helping with the framing of the structure last year. Save the date and come join us!

If you would like to support these efforts, please give generously during Sunday’s service, or send a check payable to North Parish, with “Habitat for Humanity” indicated on the memo line. Thank you!