My heart is moved by all I cannot save: so much has been destroyed. I have to cast my lot with those who, age after age, perversely, with no extraordinary power, reconstitute the world.”
– Adrienne Rich
Welcome to our newest members! It was so lovely to recognize them last Sunday: Hayne Barnwell & Ben Falkner, Pat Connolly, Cheryl Denmark, Renee Hoekstra and Rachel Pronovost! It is always so affirming and spiritually uplifting when folks decide to “cast their lot” with the rest of us. (You can read their bios here.)
We also recognized our outgoing leaders and made a covenant with incoming leaders on Sunday. While the outgoing leaders are the ones who received the “Duct Tape Awards” for holding North Parish together through the 3rd year of the pandemic, our continuing leaders and everyone who has engaged in our ministries this year are also so deserving of this designation. Duct Tape awards for everyone!
For those who are new, we are approaching a transition time in our church year. We have two more Sunday services in the sanctuary and then will switch to “Summer Church” with services held in the air-conditioned Chapel. These services are such a great opportunity to get to know one another and build community, as members share their stories and reflections and all can speak their joys and sorrows. We are not able to provide Zoom, Religious Education classes or childcare this summer, but we hope folks will come to services and utilize the playroom next to the Chapel and the outdoors if kids get restless. (Our “two adult rule” will continue to apply for those watching the kids.)
It feels like we are finally, truly emerging from the pandemic- even though we are honestly still in the midst of what’s been called a “mass disability event” for those impacted by long COVID. As our minds wander, recover and reflect over the summer, I’ll be curious to hear what emotional, ethical and spiritual support you most need at this time, as well as what you hope- in your wildest dreams- that North Parish might become. This is a time for re-building community, connections and our collective impact. None of us can do it alone; we are so lucky to have one another, aren’t we? Imperfections, mistakes, quirks and all!
Yours, in gratitude for you all,
Rev. Lee