"Think of the universe as an eternal creative unfolding…”
—Rick Rubin
“…the world’s possibilities shift & change each time we put ourselves into building something large & strong & beautiful…”
—Rev. Kathleen McTigue, UU
On Sunday, we reflected on creativity- the theology of Creativity, communal creativity as resistance to unethical power, how our personal creativity was encouraged or squashed as youth, and whether creativity has ever healed or “saved” us. After service, some folks wrote an answer to a question that Kim Herrera put up on the whiteboard at Coffee Hour: In What Way Are You Creative?I thought I’d share the multigenerational answers:
I made a fort. I make little custom costumes. Emme
I am an Actor. Gia
Drawing. Jeremy
Slideshows/presentations, and acting/directing in a mini-musical. R.U.
I like to draw in the sand. Kim Herrera
I create all day every day. Evelyn
Made up games. Keith
I knit!
I ditch traditional grades for my students. Feedback first! Deb O.
Persuasion. Coaching technique. Packing & storage. “D”arnell
I made up a religion: “Practical Mystical Spirituality” (PMS for short)
Cooking. Carmen
I support and share creative ideas. Kathy
I write decolonized curriculum! Aaron
Parenting with patience and compassion. Jennifer Tassi
I think therefore I create. Brian
The closing words of the service were a poem that Kim Adami whipped up about creativity on Sunday morning! You can read that here. And all this creativity is just the tip of the iceberg! Thanks for sharing your creativity at North Parish. Let’s keep it flowing!
Rev. Lee
P.S. The Worship Committee would love to invite any writers, poets, musicians, artists, creatives of all sorts to consider offering a reflection or demonstration for a summer service. One option is to reflect on an object that is “sacred” to you- yours could be a paintbrush, a kitchen mixer, a trowel, a sewing machine, an instrument…? We’re also looking for a few folks to join our tiny “worship arts” team to bring more visual and kinetic creativity to North Parish. Contact Aaron Pawelek if intrigued about either of these things.