Community Action Request

Submit a request for a community action project or event you would like to lead or a designee for a special collection.

We appreciate your suggestion! Your online submission will be directed to the Community Action (CA) team. The CA team will be in touch and may ask you and/or your designated project leader to attend a monthly meeting to further describe your request.

  • Check all that apply
  • Describe the organization or event that you would like North Parish to support. Include the name and contact info for someone from the organization who could attend a Sunday service and/or coffee hour to describe how the money would be used and answer questions.
  • Provide a general description of the project or event. You can include a URL for the organization. If you have other materials to share, attach PDFs below.
  • JPG, PDF, PNG files are accepted
    Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • How long will it take? When would it occur?
  • Please understand that the CA team may not have the resources at a given time to take the lead. If you are not able to take a leadership role in organizing this project or event, you may want to recruit a project leader in your stead who could attend the meeting with you. Also, if you cannot lead, how do you envision your contribution?