Sunday, April 7th at 11:30am in the Flex Room
With a 3 person Team of Master Gardeners and the help of NP member and landscape architect, Willow Cheeley, Dianne Plantamura has spearheaded a “Rewilding” of 9000 square feet of forest that had been overrun by invasive vines. At the end of April, the Team and volunteers from the community will plant over 1500 “baby” trees according to the Miyawaki method. Click here for more information, lots of pictures and to volunteer or donate. Dianne and Willow will present the project’s inception, current plans and future to the NP community in the Flex room on April 7 at 11:30am (after service).
Did you know? Miyawaki forests grow 10x faster, are 30x denser, contain 100x more biodiversity and absorb 16x more carbon than conventionally planted forests. Since biodiversity is quick to establish, they’re self-sufficient after the first two-to-three years as a thriving ecosystem takes shape.