Church 2.0 Updates

  1. Coffee hour is back and quite popular, but we need folks to make the coffee and clean up. To sign up, click here.
  2. You do NOT need to register for Sunday. We will email the congregation if we get a report of someone diagnosed with Covid who attended Sunday services.
  3. We continue to have masks required in the building (unless one is actively consuming a beverage.) Consuming of bite sized food items (grapes, chocolates, munchkins) is okay as a mask can be worn while chewing. Thank you for being mindful of our elders and under-five year olds.
  4. Small group meetings in person are encouraged; masking is required. The available spaces and their capacities are: Sanctuary (100), Chapel (22), Parish Hall (40), Parlor(10), Blue room (9), flex room (17). Please reserve through the office, even outdoors spaces such as Labyrinth and backyard.
  5. To encourage community re-gathering, we are looking to have outdoor Friday evening social get togethers. The idea is to have people volunteer their yard for a Friday evening social get together. The host to supply location and recycle/trash receptacle. Attendees to bring things to share, or self consume. There will be a Google sheet, visible only to those with a link, to share dates and addresses. If you want to volunteer a yard and date let Kirk Olsen know ( The intention is to have this as family friendly and welcoming for all North Parish attendees, not explicitly a happy hour as that puts off some potential attendees.