Children and Youth Faith Formation Classes are moving indoors!
Starting this Sunday, November 7th, we will be moving indoors from 10:00 to 11:00 during Sunday Service time.
Pre-K through Grade 5 will meet up in the Chapel for a chalice lighting, opening and sharing and then we will go outside for a bit to plant flower bulbs in our special garden box which, when the flowers bloom in the spring will be used as a Sunday service centerpiece for the congregation. We will also be creating and decorating mittens for this year’s Lazarus House Mitten Tree project.
Junior Youth Group (Grades 6-8) will meet in the Parish Hall. We will close out our Halloween fundraiser and spend some time doing a fun collaborative activity to kick off this year’s Art and Activism theme curriculum
Senior Youth Group (Grades 9-12) will meet in the Parlor for an hour of UU game playing.NOTE: SYG will switch to meeting on the first and third Sundays from 10:00 – 11:00 with a focus on building worship, community building, social action, learning, leadership and congregational involvement and will also gather on the second and fourth Thursdays in the evening (time TBD) for more relaxed get togethers and game playing. We will also be scheduling out off-site field trips, learning explorations and community service work.
We will be requiring mask wearing inside the classrooms and will be ensuring spaced out seating to maintain everyone’s health and well-being.
We also ask that families please register your child(ren) and/or youth so that we can have a feel for numbers so as to properly plan enough volunteers and materials each week. Registration can be done here.