Celebrating all the beautiful identities and contributions of our LGBTQ+ Community
Sunday, June 2nd:
- 10am – North Parish PRIDE Sunday Service noting the 20th anniversary of Equal Marriage!
- 10am PRIDE Sunday at South Church UCC, Andover
- 11:15am – Noon Workshop: Learning About Trans/Non-binary Identities, with members of the Board & Parish Council
- Noon Andover’s town-wide Car PRIDE Parade
- Family event for PRIDE, after service at West Parish UCC, Andover
Friday, June 7th at 6:30pm:
PRIDE Shabbat at Rolling Ridge Retreat Center, North Andover
(5:30pm – “Tot Shabbat” for kids)
Saturday, June 8th:
Gathering prior to Boston PRIDE March at Arlington St. Church, Boston (see their website)
Thursday, June 20th from 5 – 7 pm:
North Shore PRIDE’s Interfaith Alliance service, Salem MA
Saturday, June 22nd from 11am – 4pm:
North Shore PRIDE festival & parade, Salem, MA
Sunday, June 23rd:
PRIDE Sunday at West Parish UCC, Andover, followed by a workshop with Rev. Renee Manning
July 5th – 7th, Friday – Sunday:
Trans Families Retreat at Rolling Ridge Retreat Center, North Andover