If you will be joining us for this Sunday’s service, our North Parish 3rd – 5th Graders would like to invite you to bring a canned or boxed food along with you. This great group of kids, under the guidance of our amazing volunteers, Lynn Seeber Wentzel and Christine Leone have been learning about Hunger and how food insecurity and poverty impacts our local area as well as our world and this weekend they are hosting their first UU social action service project to help out The People’s Pantry.
At the beginning of Sunday’s service, our kids, dressed in costume will “Trick or Treat” along the Sanctuary aisles, collecting food donations to help stock up the Pantry’s shelves so they can continue to help feed local at-risk individuals and families. Please consider bringing along a food item to help our kids help out others.Home / News / Category: Caring and Support / Bring a Canned/Boxed Food Donation to Service on Sunday