Biweekly Tip #21 on Daily Living for a Healthy Climate – Recycling Guidelines

Want the latest and greatest on what can go in your recycling bin for pick up??

– Did you know that pizza boxes are in!?! Once the food particles are removed they are recyclable even with grease on them.

– It’s OK to keep the lids on! No matter what material the lid is made out of as long as the bottle or jar is recyclable. Don’t forget to rinse first. (That hasn’t changed!)

– Aluminum trays and plates are recyclable as long as they are clean.

– but… juice cartons are only recyclable in certain parts of the state…and it’s not here 🙁

Want to find out more??? Check out this website It has a “recyclopedia” that gives you all this information and a quiz for all you recycling gurus!