Annual Meeting Wrap-Up

Many thanks to those who came to the Annual Meeting. We had a quorum and then some! The members present approved the proposed congregational budget for the next fiscal year, elected officers and board members, and re-elected a member of the endowment committee. In addition, the members approved by-law changes proposed by the board and authorized the board and ministers to speak on behalf of the congregation on climate and environmental justice matters. The Board also invited the membership to join them in thanking Nancy Sarro for seven years of outstanding service as treasurer and Stefanie Nolan, our parish administrator, for working so hard to keep the church running smoothly through two challenging pandemic years. Thanks were also offered to retiring board members Bob Watts and Bob Kinkaid, moderator Pat Grimm, and other retiring leaders and officers for their gifts of time, skill, and wisdom to our congregation.

Following the Annual Meeting, the new board met for the first time, welcoming new members Lynn Langton and Susan Malloy and electing Erika Cohen Maddaluno and Gail Forsyth-Vail as co-chairs. The Board also appointed Darnell Canada as Assistant Treasurer. Darnell will work with newly elected treasurer Don Melson. Thanks to all for saying “yes!” when invited to lead!