A Thank You Note from The Lazarus House

Thank You North Parish!


The time has come to say farewell to Christmastime now past,
But in our hearts the joy and light will certainly hold fast.

You each and all did do your part to make the season bright;
The goal to care and serve and give was foremost in your sight.

It took the hands and feet and hearts of every one of you
To help the hope of Christmas live; to see this project through.

The lives of countless folks were touched, those vulnerable and dear;
That they are loved and valued so was spoken loud and clear.

The yellow house on Franklin Street shone as a place of light
As elves ran out to gather gifts, to mutual delight.

In rain or snow or gusty winds, deliveries you made;
The love with which you did all this will never, ever fade.

It humbled us to see the surge of gracious, non-stop caring;
Reflected in the joy and smiles that all of you were wearing.

The need was huge – the highest yet – when we set out this fall;
We sent up prayers we tallied needs: you answered this great call.

Eight hundred families blessed by you! Such joy and grace abounding…
Your follow-through and loving hearts we find to be astounding!

We form a circle – all of us – that Christmas star still glowing;
Uniting us in all that’s good: the reaping and the sowing.

From all of us to all of you who made these dreams come true:
We wrap our thankfulness and love around each one of you!

And as you set forth day after day into this brand new year,
May you be blessed for all you did to bring such Christmas cheer.

From your very grateful Project Bethlehem Team and friends at Lazarus House Ministries